Purpose of The Foundation

The Lance Tilton Foundation provides funding for continued musical education and instruments to students 12 years old – 16 year old whose parents or guardians cannot afford, due to hardship, to pay for continued music education. Children selected by the Foundation for the program must have had music instruction in the past and show a high level of interest in pursuing music.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Thanks for an Amazing Evening!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jon Morrison, Jimmy DiMartini, Nic Cowan and Michael Westbrook
First of all, there are many thanks that need to go out to all of the Performers who showed up in full force to support this amazing event and cause!!!

Secondly...but not secondary, are Thanks to all of the many fans who showed up and showed out for us!! Your energy and enthusiasm is what made this night soooo AWESOME!!!!

Thank you's would not be complete without thanking the wonderful people of Tavern 99 who made all of this possible for us. Francisco Vidal and friends were not only kind enough to host the event but also gave us 10% of the profits made that night!!! So let's make sure that we show that establishment our Love and gratification in the future.

Ed Roland and the Sweet Tea Project
From beginning to end the night was amazing success. One act after another showed why we, Atlantans are so lucky!!! From the announced musicians, there were also a few who came onstage who were surprises. Alabaster Road, Susan Shewbridge, Jimmy DiMartini performed for us as well as Ed Roland and the Sweet Tea Project!

KB and Sandra Tilton Banett
On a cover of Cee Lo's Crazy, drummer KB performed a solo that had Lance's Mom grinning from ear to ear. Afterward she went on stage to the drummer and seemed to congratulate him. When she came down off the stage she paused by me to tell me that she told him "It was the closest I've heard anyone play the drums like Lance. That's the way he would play them".

Another poignant moment was Nic Cowan, Jon Morrison and Jimmy DiMartini performed Lance's Song which was written by Zac Brown. This song quieted the audience and led everyone in attendance to remember why they were even there. To honor and create a legacy for their friend, brother and son by giving music to the next generation. During the song Sandra Tilton Barnett stood in between Ben Deignan and Chris Price, as they offered her their support during the moving tribute.

Sandra and Chris Price during Lance's Song
Throughout the night, it was clear how well the artists knew each other and how much they enjoyed playing with each other. Some went directly from playing the acoustic and singing lead on one of their own songs, to playing the under-appreciated shaker and singing back up for the next artist on stage. If there was a mic open, sometimes it wasn't uncommon to find an artist literally jump on stage in the middle of the performance to help sing back up. The camaraderie was simply amazing to behold.

There was even a special song requested and performed by one of the fans who did so in order to help raise another $500 from an audience member who wished to remain anonymous. Before the night was over, donations, T-Shirt sales and auctioned off items brought in over $5000 for the Foundation. So, again, to all who came out...Thank YOU!!!!!!!!!!

Photos from this night are all up on the Wibiya bar below, so check them out and make sure to support our local artists!!!

To see an amazing set of photos from the event head over to the Facebook Page of Snapped Images

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